Acupuncture treatments are given in a professional and relaxing atmosphere. Most patients would say their treatments are both physically and mentally calming. While relaxed on a massage table, the thin hair-like acupuncture needles are inserted in various points on the body. An infra-red heat lamp is placed over you as the acupuncture needles help regulate the body's qi and imbalances. Safety and comfort of each patient is always taken into consideration during treatments. The acupuncture needles used are single-use, pre-sterilized, and disposable. Patients typically feel a sensation of pressure at the area the needle is inserted.
Along with acupuncture needles, other forms of treatment offered are electro-stimulation acupuncture, cupping therapy, tuina, and Chinese herbal medicine.
Along with acupuncture needles, other forms of treatment offered are electro-stimulation acupuncture, cupping therapy, tuina, and Chinese herbal medicine.