Pain Management: A Natural Path to Relief
Acupuncture is known for its positive effects on treating pain. Pain itself is not a diagnosis, but rather an indication or warning that there is a problem somewhere in the body.
Intensity of pain usually indicates or signals the body how severe the problem is. Each individual has a different pain threshold, but when pain increases one may want to seek care to address the pain. Characteristics of pain give important information about what is causing the body to send this signal.
How does acupuncture stop pain?
There are many therapies that attempt to stop pain, but a lot of them just try to cover the pain, hoping the body will heal itself. Acupuncture has powerful and effective approaches to treating pain because it decreases pain levels as it stimulates the body’s own healing response. Pain pathways and healing responses to Acupuncture by:
- Increasing endorphin levels and decreasing the nervous system’s pain response
- Decreasing inflammation and swelling
- Relaxing muscles and stops spasms
- Increases blood and qi circulation to the area