Emotional Wellbeing - Acupuncture
and Chinese Medicine for Depression and Stress
Are you suffering from depression, stress,
anxiety, or panic attacks? Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are very effective
at treating problems related to our emotions. More and more people are using
acupuncture and herbal medicine to help relieve stress, ease anxiety and help
restore a sense of joy in their lives. It can help resolve the side effects of emotional discomfort, such as insomnia, digestive problems, fatigue and even
Acupuncture also helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to relax the body and mind. Acupuncture has long been an effective method of treating three levels of the human being and works to balance the whole person to treat the physical, mental and emotional aspects of this condition. Acupuncture treatments alone are very calming. Acupuncture has been shown to trigger the release of endorphins, which give the body sense of well-being and blocks the feeling of pain in many people. This helps with the emotional effects of depression, as well as the physical symptoms that can often come with depression. Acupuncture is a wonderful adjunct to any therapy or counseling to help support any emotional well being treatments. Chinese herbs can be very helpful to naturally balance mood swings, sleeplessness and many other symptoms. If you are taking prescription medications for your depression, anxiety or other issue, your licensed acupuncturist can safely prescribe herbs for you that will not interfere or negatively interact with your current medications.
You and Stress…
When a person feels “stressed” in most cases the stress is from work or from relationships. Stress is more than just an emotion that arises in certain situations it’s a state of being that, over a period of time, can have a serious physical impact on health. Long term and continuous stress can cause physical pain, insomnia, high blood pressure and many other problems.
Acupuncture has many different ways it can reduce stress and its side effects. Acupuncture is very relaxing. Once the needles are inserted, a person lies and rest for about 20 minutes. Lights are off or dimmed and soft music plays and many patients fall into a state of moderate to deep relaxation. After the treatment, many people feel calm and more relaxed. During the treatment, the acupuncture needles work to balance your whole body. An example is because of the stress experienced at work, chronic neck and upper back pain may be resulted. Treatments focus on relaxing muscle tension and increasing circulation to areas of tightness or pain within the whole body.
Acupuncture also helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to relax the body and mind. Acupuncture has long been an effective method of treating three levels of the human being and works to balance the whole person to treat the physical, mental and emotional aspects of this condition. Acupuncture treatments alone are very calming. Acupuncture has been shown to trigger the release of endorphins, which give the body sense of well-being and blocks the feeling of pain in many people. This helps with the emotional effects of depression, as well as the physical symptoms that can often come with depression. Acupuncture is a wonderful adjunct to any therapy or counseling to help support any emotional well being treatments. Chinese herbs can be very helpful to naturally balance mood swings, sleeplessness and many other symptoms. If you are taking prescription medications for your depression, anxiety or other issue, your licensed acupuncturist can safely prescribe herbs for you that will not interfere or negatively interact with your current medications.
You and Stress…
When a person feels “stressed” in most cases the stress is from work or from relationships. Stress is more than just an emotion that arises in certain situations it’s a state of being that, over a period of time, can have a serious physical impact on health. Long term and continuous stress can cause physical pain, insomnia, high blood pressure and many other problems.
Acupuncture has many different ways it can reduce stress and its side effects. Acupuncture is very relaxing. Once the needles are inserted, a person lies and rest for about 20 minutes. Lights are off or dimmed and soft music plays and many patients fall into a state of moderate to deep relaxation. After the treatment, many people feel calm and more relaxed. During the treatment, the acupuncture needles work to balance your whole body. An example is because of the stress experienced at work, chronic neck and upper back pain may be resulted. Treatments focus on relaxing muscle tension and increasing circulation to areas of tightness or pain within the whole body.